Graphic Novel List
A podcast about comics made by people who love comics.

S2E15 - Belial

Episode Notes

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We review Belial by Shaun Barbour, Chuck Pineau and Gregory Woronchak. Lettered by Scott Weldon.

Blurb: Follow along as Belial sets out to reclaim what was rightfully his! Belial's power, throne, and claim to Hell have been stolen by none other than Lucifer himself. Over the centuries, Hell has become a shadow of its former Glory. It has fallen from Belial's structure, vision, legendary depiction, and epitome of everything you've come to know of the Palace of the Judged. Now Hell is nothing more than a run-down pit of despair, and Belial has had enough! This is the story of a once powerful ruler, that finds himself up against epic odds. He must fight his way back to the throne. He will face off against the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and Lucifer himself to do so. He's not alone in the underdog power struggle, as Belial has retained some loyal followers. Will it be enough, or is this all just a futile attempt at achieving former glory and become the drunken laughing stock of Hell?

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